I can’t believe I’m saying this, but The PT Page is officially one-year old! This blog was something I thought about for a LONG time before I actually worked up the nerve to start it. So far my only regret has been that I didn’t begin sooner.
We’ve covered A LOT in the first year. If you’ve been reading and following from the beginning, thank you so much. Your support has been so motivating and appreciated. If you’re new here, welcome to The PT Page! I started this blog as an online community for PTs to discuss issues in the profession, share ideas, and highlight all the amazing things we do. You can learn a little more here at the about page.
Whether you’re an OG and or a newbie I figured a trip down memory lane would be good for all of us. You OGs out there can revisit favorite posts to get in on the discussions you might have missed and share with your friends.
You newbies can get caught up with the best PT Page blog posts from this first year. For everyone, it’s never too late to like, share, and get in the comments section!
Here’s my top 5 posts from the first year of the PT Page that are a must read!
1.) The PT Workforce & The APTA: Our Own Pain Cycle
This was only the second PT Page blog post. In this post we discussed how the PT workforce and the APTA got into its own version of the pain cycle. Some potential solutions were thrown out to help mend this relationship. We also explored what it’s going to take from all of us to get there. I posed several questions to get your ideas and opinions so if you’re looking for a good one to get in on the discussion this is perfect for you. There is even an associated survey which you can still take here! Once I get a larger body of participants I plan to share the results, so take it if you haven’t already and share with your friends!
“If the APTA doesn’t feel the level of membership is where it needs to be to get the results we’re ALL wanting, then they need to be asking what it will take to get that support. In turn, we need to be prepared to give an answer they can work with. It’s going to take both us and the APTA being open-minded to change the status quo and get out of our own painful cycle”
*Click here to read the whole post!*
2.) How Primary Care PT Could Save the Healthcare System a S*** Ton of Money
This was probably one of my favorite posts to write. We explored the role of PTs in helping the PCP shortage. We also looked into what the possibilities could be if primary care PT became the standard. At the end of the day we came to the conclusion that PTs could save the healthcare system a shit ton of money. I even threw an unhinged open letter to insurance companies in there. It’s definitely one you don’t wanna miss.
“The added time primary care PT would give general practitioners could reduce healthcare cost AND lead to happier, healthier patients. To be honest, I’m not sure how one would go about trying to calculate the total healthcare costs that could be saved both directly and indirectly as a result of primary care PT, but I’d guess it’s somewhere around a shit ton.”
*Click here to read the whole post!*
3.) Research Highlight: Non-Surgical Management of ACL Tears Using a Cross-Bracing Protocol
This was the first ever research highlight and honestly a reader-favorite. These were actually inspired by the post previous to it. I wanted to help find a way to make research more accessible and start meaningful conversations around it. I was honestly a little hesitant starting the research highlights worried some people would find them boring. This turned out to be one of the most well received posts of the first year! I was pleasantly surprised with the DMs and comments from readers saying how much they loved this idea and couldn’t wait for the next one. Since it was so well-received, I figured it deserved a spot on my top five. And don’t worry! There will definitely be more Research Highlights in the next year of the PT Page.
“We have lots of tools and tests such as the LSI, quad to hamstring ratios, and comparisons to the non-injured leg that supposedly all indicate readiness for return to sport. Are they accurate enough though? Re-tear rates for both conservative and non-conservative treatment suggest it might not be. How are we addressing the needs of athletes to withstand the high-impact, explosive, and/or high intensity movements that commonly cause re-injury?”
*Click here to read the whole post!*
4.) Potential Pitfalls & Possibilities: Physical Therapy & AI
I chose this next one because of the major role AI has played in the last couple years. My guess is it’s not going anywhere either. The uses of AI just keep growing and it’s without a doubt going to continue making its way into our profession. In this post I went over the potential good and bad for using AI in PT practice. I also gave some programs that are worth keeping on your radar. The Everbility link is still good as well which you can access here. Go back and read the post if you want to learn more about Everbility and other AI programs out there that could help your practice.
“At that point I’d say most patients would rather just go see a PT in person. Basically, AI has a long way to go before it’s running us out of the job. Honestly, the personal and hands-on experience PTs bring to patients is something many other healthcare professionals don’t even replicate. So if bots taking over our jobs isn’t a major concern when it comes to using AI then what is?”
*Click here to read the whole post!*
5.) PT Mills: Bad for Patients, Bad for PTs, & Bad for the Profession
This is my last pick because it’s a topic I feel so strongly about. It’s one that honestly pissed a few people off, but I stand by everything I said in it. I think most of us would agree PT Mills are bad, but like. . . how bad? In this post I completely flush out just how detrimental PT Mills are for patients, for us, and for our profession. They might be even worse than you initially thought. I also discussed some ideas on what we should do about them. Out of any of these five if I had to whittle it down to just one. This would be it if that tells you anything.
“They encourage us to accept the bare minimum. We settle for constant burnout, mediocre wage for a 6-figure education, and poor workplace conditions. I know for many of us these are things we’d like to change about our profession. A step in the right direction would be to start trying to make PT mills the outliers rather than the standard. We’ve all maybe heard the quote “we accept the love we think we deserve”. Well friends, we need to start expecting much, much more than what PT mills have to offer.”
*Click here to read the whole post!*
There’s my top five for the first year of The PT Page! If you’ve been reading and following for a while, thank you so much! Starting this blog has had its ups and downs, but every DM, comment, like, or share has been so appreciated. What was your favorite post from the first year? Was it one of these or something different?
If you’re new, welcome! I hope you find something here at The PT Page that resonates with you or helps you in some way. Once you get caught up on a few posts I’d love to know your favorites as well!
New or old share which PT Page posts are your favorites here in the comments section or shoot me a message on the contact page or Instagram @the_pt_page. Here’s to year number one! I can’t wait to see how we all grow and evolve in year two!
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